Easy Eats: Turkey, Basil + Green Bean Stir Fry

You know when you’re short on time but still want a delicious, healthy and EASY dinner with minimal ingredients and little to no clean up? Um, same. Sounds like a fantasy though, right? WRONG! Whenever I’m in a pinch there is one receipt that always saves the day, and that is this Turkey, Basil and Green Bean Stir Fry from Alex at The Defined Dish.

C and I found this recipe when I was doing my 2nd Whole30 and wanted to mix up our meals. I wasn’t familiar with Alex – clearly I had been living under a very sad rock – and I stumbled upon her Whole30 guide while I was deep in a Whole30 Pinterest hole. Since that fateful day, Alex has become one of our all time favorites! Whenever I want something healthy but delicious, Alex is my girl. I’ve shared some of her recipes before – this Chicken Pot Pie Pasta and these meatballs came from her latest cookbook, too!

Anywho, back to this dish. We love it because it’s simple, flavorful, filling and literally takes 20 minutes. And – BONUS – the ingredients are easily accessible! The only thing you might not have is Whole30 approved sriracha (fun fact: most srirachas have added cane sugar or agave). If you don’t care about the Whole30/added sugar part, then any sriracha will do!

Whole30 or not, our favorite sriracha is the organic version from Yellowbird (the regular version is also delicious, but contains agave). We fell head over heels with it this past January and were lucky enough to have Yellowbird send us the entire organic line during the beginning of quarantine. Typically I’m not a big condiment person but I have to admit, I’ve been loving the added clean kick! C, aka the condiment king, also fully approves!

The instructions for this are so freaking easy – cook the meat in a wok (ours is old but this one is clean and a good price), steam the beans, combine everything and serve. If you don’t have a wok, a regular pan or dutch oven (pictured above) will do just fine!

Sriracha (c/o Yellowbird)

RANKING: 1! This is LITERALLY the easiest recipe of all time! 5 ingredients, 1 pan and you’ve got dinner in minutes.

I hope you enjoy this family favorite! If you make it, don’t forget to share on social and tag #purelynoracooks – I can’t wait to see your plates!


Turkey, Green Bean and Basil Stir Fry

An easy Whole30 approved recipe using 5 ingredients that's ready in 20 minutes (via Alex at The Defined Dish)

  • 1 tbsp avocado oil (we love thrive market brand!)
  • 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil (can omit if not handy!)
  • 1 lb ground turkey
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt (to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp pepper (to taste)
  • 12 oz green beans, snipped and cleaned
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos (also to taste – I tend to add more at the end!)
  • 1 tsp sriracha (LOVE the Yellowbird brand organic option for Whole30)
  • 1/2 cup basil leaves
  1. Heat a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat (or a dutch oven on medium) with avocado and/or toasted sesame oil. When hot, add the ground turkey, salt, and pepper and cook, breaking up the meat with a spoon, until cooked through (no longer pink), 5 to 7 minutes. When cook through, set heat on low and keep warm while you prepare the green beans.

  2. Meanwhile, bring a large skillet of water to a boil. Once boiling, add the green beans and cook for 3 minutes. Transfer the par-cooked green beans to a bowl of ice water to shock the green beans and lock in the green color.

  3. Increase the heat in the wok back up to medium-high heat. Drain and transfer the green beans to the wok and cook, tossing often, until tender, about 5 minutes.

  4. Add the sriracha, coconut aminos, and basil leaves and cook 2 more minutes. Serve and enjoy!

Recipe says serves four but…with 1 lb we usually get about 3 servings, depending on how hungry we are! Also, this recipe can EASILY be eye balled. Don’t fuss over the measurements and just add sauces and spices to taste!