Six Tricks for a Spa-Like Shower

Unfortunately this is at a hotel, but I’m totes channeling this vibe in quarantine

These days I’m looking for all of the feel good tips and tricks to make my days special and stress free. I feel like I’m at the point where I’d love a serious spa day (it would be my first!) but alas, that is not in the cards. So, what’s a girl to do when she wants a spa day but can’t actually go to the spa? Bring the spa to her!

I know what you’re thinking. But Nora, I don’t have all of the things that spas have! And to that I say…girl, same. I’m a full believer that you don’t need an expert masseuse or a claw foot tub with a fancy book holder to have a delectable and relaxing home spa experience! All you need is some time to yourself, a shower and six simple tips.

Seriously, with these small but mighty tweaks, I’ve turned my daily shower into a special ritual – one that gives me energy, clears my sinuses, reduces stress and frankly, brightens my spirits! I typically shower in the morning but any time of the day works – the only requirement is setting aside a window for y-o-u!

Full disclosure: I am not a bath person! We do have a tub, but it has an awkward glass door and our rental is old and honestly I have an aversion to baths so that whole situation sounds stress inducing not stress relieving! That being said, if you prefer to rub-a-dub in the tubby tub then you can make a few simple tweaks for the same, peace bringing result!

Before The Shower

Hang fresh eucalyptus – Eucalyptus is a wonder plant! It awakens the senses, clears the mind and has the power to boost the immune system and improve respiratory issues – that’s why it’s often used in chest rubs and humidifiers. So, when you hang eucalyptus in your shower, the shower steam releases essential oils within the plant that can help clear congestion and inflammation. I don’t know about you, but when I’m sick or congested, a warm steamy shower can work wonders. Adding eucalyptus to the mix creates even better results, and, let’s be honest, makes the bathroom look so pretty and peaceful! I love that this small trick makes our even smaller bathroom feel (and smell) fresh and calm (which is a big deal considering we don’t have windows or a vent!).

We snag ours from the bodega down the street (support local!) and it lasts between 2-4 weeks! Other great sources are grocery stores, florists or even local farms if they are open. To attach it, I use a hair tie to wrap it around the base of our shower head – it’s not a very sophisticated technique but it does the job. Twine or rope would work well, too! Just remember to try to keep the eucalyptus out of the water stream – it will last longer!

Dry brush – I am totally guilty of rolling my eyes at dry brushing – until I tried it! When I get into a good routine, I brush a few times a week before showering, starting at the ends of my extremities and sweeping softly towards my heart; the process exfoliates skin, increases circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage. It’s highly invigorating and energizing so I definitely recommend it in the morning vs. evening. Look for soft bristles and a brush that’s easy to hang or store. I love this one and this one!

I wish this had a scratch and sniff feature!

In The Shower

Use essential oils – If you don’t have fresh eucalyptus, using a eucalyptus essential oil is a great option – tbh, I often use both! Once I get in the shower I drop 3-4 drops of oil onto the floor and let the steam spread it into the air. Eucalyptus oil is cleansing, clearing, protecting, energizing and soothing, depending on the varietal – here’s a great post about the differences! For those who shower at night, try using lavender or chamomile for a more calming and quieting effect.

Exfoliate – I love a good body scrub – I find them to be invigorating and cleansing, both literally and figuratively, and for good reason: the combination of cleansing, exfoliation and massage provides way more benefits than using soap alone. Body scrubs promote circulation and cell turnover, remove dead skin cells, draw out impurities and prepare your skin to properly absorb your post-shower skincare. I use mine at the very end of my shower routine, applying with gentle massaging motions, about 3x a week. If your skin is super sensitive, stick to once! My favorites are this one and this one but you can also make your own with the easy DIY recipe below!

After The Shower 

Use the GOOD moisturizer  – I talked about this in this post, but life is too short not to use the things that bring you joy. I have a few favorite body butters and balms that I used to reserve for special days that have now become everyday staples! Something about a creamy, buttery balm or sweet smelling oil makes me feel so dang pampered! Plus, after dry brushing and exfoliating, these hydrators will work extra well! My ultimate favorites are this melting body balm, this body stone, this body butter and this body oil. If I’m in a pinch, I’ll even use plain old jojoba oil!

Sip and Start or Sip and Sleep – In an ideal world, I put on my robe, pour myself a lovely cup of decaf coffee or peppermint tea and do my morning routine. I know that isn’t possible for everyone, so for daytime, just pour yourself whatever your heart desires, say a positive mantra or play some tunes and get ready to take on the day! If you’re heading to bed, make some chamomile tea, rub lavender oil on the bottoms of your feet and temples and get ready for a sweet, deep sleep.

The Body Stone is the most luxurious treat – it’s also a female owned and run company very dear to my heart!

I hope this gave you some simple ideas to make your shower experience spa-like, special and stress free!