How to Make Cauliflower Gnocchi 3 Ways

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I’m a HUGE fan of cauliflower gnocchi, specifically the frozen kind from Trader Joe’s. I actually wrote this post a few weeks ago but didn’t have time to finish shooting the images and now here we are, in full blown pan(dem)ic mode and I have a freezer full of cauliflower gnocchi. I’m guessing some of you might, too! So, forgive me for not having all of the best (or greatest) photos, but I thought it was much more important to share my tried and true cooking method and some fun (and different!) ways to prepare this fab freezer staple for all of us cauli-gnocchi lovers in isolation!

Before I do that though, let’s talk about the gnocchi. Funny enough, dietary limitations aside, I’m actually not a huge pasta person! Every so often when we go out to eat, I’ll order delectable homemade pasta if the preparation calls my name (lookin’ at you, L’Artusi!) but the kind from a box just doesn’t do it for me. And yet, despite that, I adore cauliflower gnocchi from the freezer. In my mind, it’s a way to add a few more veggies to my meal and, let’s be honest, it’s an excellent vehicle for whatever sauce I’m in the mood for ? I also love that the tiny pillows of fluffy goodness are the perfect option for when I want a nourishing, filling and completely plant-based plate.

Cauliflower gnocchi has become a staple in our freezer because 1) now that I know how to cook it well, it’s super easy to whip up in a pinch and 2) it can be made so many different ways! Sometimes the best recipes are made completely by accident – most of these combos were simply the result of throwing together whatever I had in the fridge or freezer and some are my take on other recipes that I enjoy!

So, what’s my cooking secret? Well, when I first made frozen cauliflower gnocchi I followed the directions on the bag and… it was not great. It was pretty mushy, borderline soggy and far from delicious. Granted, if that’s your style (zero judgement here!) then skip this part and follow the directions on the bag. If you like more of a browned, crispy style gnocchi then keep reading!

Fool-Proof Cauliflower Gnocchi

Easy steps to cook frozen gnocchi so that it's practically perfect every. single. time.

  • 1 package Trader Joe's Frozen Cauliflower Gnocchi

  2. De-frost the gnocchi. I'm typically running short on time and zap it in the microwave for 1-2 mintes. You can also leave the pacakge out on the counter for 20-40 minutes if you have the time. Make sure you pat them dry – that extra condensation is not your friend!

  3. Heat a safe non-stick or well seasoned skillet on medium high heat and add the gnocchi. DO NOT grase the pan and do not touch the gnocchi for at least 5-6 minutes. Let the sides get crispy and then flip.

  4. Once both sides are delightfully golden brown – you are done!

*The critical factor here is using a safe non-stick pan. Keep your eyes peeled for a post on my favorite safe kitchen supplies but for now, let’s just say typically when cooking a well seasoned cast iron or stainless steel pan is best, but neither one is super ideal for non-stick cooking. That’s where ceramic comes in! Depending on what you read, the jury is still out on some of the newer “green” ceramic pans but we use and love this one for super pesky or potentially sticky stuff!

Last but not least, some notes on the recipes!


This is one of my all time favorites! The greens and herbs combine for a fresh, light and completely vegan meal. That being said, this is also something I whip up with whatever veggies, greens and herbs I have in the fridge – arugula, summer squash, spaghetti squash, peppers, broccoli, green beans, snap peas and parsley are some of my favorites! The beauty of this dish is that it’s super versatile!


This was inspired by a favorite Love and Lemons recipe of mine that I always make when C is traveling (he’s not big on veggie based meals). I love how the flavors blend together for a slightly sweet, subtly savory and super earthy blend that has me craving all things fall! The chickpeas (not pictured) are optional, but they add texture and if you cook them long enough they add a nice crunch, too!


Do you ever get all the ingredients to make pizza at home and then have tons of them left over? Or just have the ingredients for pizza laying around? Seriously, same. We always have marinara, chicken sausage and some type of veggie. Cook up the “toppings” you have, combine them with oregano, add the sauce and voila! It’s pizza – renewed!

RANKING: 1 – I rank my recipes from 1-5 with 1 being the easiest. All of these variations are so darn quick and easy! Perfect for an easy weeknight meal.

I hope you enjoy these fun versions of my favorite freezer staple! If you make it, don’t forget to share on social and tag #purelynoracooks – I can’t wait to see your plates!

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Cauliflower Gnocchi: Eat Ya Greens Style

Greens, veggies, pesto and herbs make this combo delightfully fresh and light!

  • 1 package Trader Joe's Frozen Cauliflower Gnocchi (prepared according to instructions in previous post!)
  • 1/2 zucchini, spiralized into zoodles
  • 1 handful spinach (fresh or frozen works)
  • 1 handful kale (fresh or frozen works)
  • 1 dollop vegan pesto (or regular if tolerated – we love TJ's or Gotham Greens for vegan!)
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp cooking fat (avocado oil, ghee or duck fat are some faves)
  • 1 handful fresh basil (I've also used parsley or cilantro if that's what I have on hand!)
  • 1 small handful cashews (optional for garnish!)
  1. Prepare gnocchi, per previous post (about 10-15 minute). Once it is browned, remove from pan and set aside.

  2. Add zoodles and a touch of fat – satuee until slightly cooked but not soft or soggy – about 2-3 minutes.

  3. Add spinach and kale. Mix together with zoodles and cover with a lid – about 2-5 minutes or until steamed.

  4. Return gnocchi to pan; add pesto, salt and basil.

  5. Plate, top with cashews and extra basil. Serve.

Cauliflower Gnocchi: Sweet + Savory

Butternut squash, sage and browned butter make this cozy combo extra delicious!

  • 1 package Trader Joe's Frozen Cauliflower Gnocchi
  • 1/2-1 cup butternut squash, cubed (sweet potato works here, too!)
  • 1/2-1 cup chickpeas, cooked and drained (optional – but if using canned make sure they are drained and rinsed!)
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • 1/4 cup pecans, chopped
  • 2 tbsp grassfed butter or ghee (we like Kerrygold unsalted butter or Thrive Market ghee)
  • 1 handful fresh sage
  • 1 pinch salt and pepper
  1. Add and cook gnocchi per previous recipe. Remove from pan and set aside.

  2. Add squash to the pan and sautée on medium high heat, rotating every few mintues until browned on all sides (5-8 minutes). Use a little cooking fat if needed. Cover and "steam" if in a hurry! Add shallots near the end and cook until carmelized (5 minutes or so). Add in chickpeas and pecans.

  3. While you are cooking the main mixture, brown your butter in the sauce pan: add grassfed butter or gheee and cook on medium high heat. Whisk constantly until browned, about 2-3 minutes.

  4. Add browned butter to squash pan and combine. Stir in half of the sage.

  5. Plate, top with extra sage and serve.

Cauliflower Gnocchi: Pizza Style

Gnocchi with all of the Italian fixins is a fun, less traditional way to enjoy the delicious flavors of pizza!

  • 1 package Trader Joe's Cauliflower Gnocchi
  • 1/2 bell pepper, sliced (any color or combo works!)
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms, cleaned and sliced (any type works here, too)
  • 1/2 medium onion, sliced or chopped (red, sweet or evena shallot works here – just use what you have!)
  • 1 tsp cooking fat of choice (we like avocado oil best!)
  • 1 cup marinara (we love Whole Foods 365 fat free marinara or Rao's)
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 pinch salt and pepper
  • 3 links pre-cooked Italian sausage *OPTIONAL* (we love Trader Joe's Organic Italian or Bilinskis)
  1. Add and cook gnocchi, per original recipe. Remove from pan and set aside.

  2. Sautée peppers, mushrooms and onions in fat of choice on medium heat until softened, about 5-10 minutes.

  3. *IF USING SAUSAGE* heat up sausage in another pan while your veggies are cooking (about 5 minutes). Slice and add to your veggie mixture at the end!

  4. Once the veggies are soft add the gnocchi, marinara sauce, oregano, salt and pepper.

  5. Plate and serve!

Feel free to sub whatever pizza toppings you use and love!