Five Favorites 4/24

Happy Saturday, friends! I meant to post this yesterday but was still a bit groggy from my second vaccine so I alas, here we are. I’m currently getting ready for a lovely walk through Central Park with a friend (we heard the west side is blooming! #flowerwatch2021) so I’m hyping myself up with pictures of spring flowers and a bomb playlist ? Speaking of spring flowers, this particular scene stopped me in my tracks on my way back from my vaccine – beautiful, bountiful hydrangeas in FULL bloom on a random UES side street. SPRING IN THE CITY IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST! I hope you have something lovely planned for the weekend, too 🙂

When You Can’t Go To Panama…

Wear the hat? Look, I love a classic Panama hat, but have found that my head requires certain dimensions in order to avoid looking like the guy in Curious George. In the past I wore traditional Panama hats with a smaller brims and they simply did not work with my head/head shape. Ya girl needs one that is relatively wide but not too wide. And a band that is also wider, but not too wide. I am essentially goldilocks. Enter this epic version from my friends at Hat Attack – it is everything I hoped it would be and more! The brim! The ribbon! The color! It is perfection. Hat Attack, you’ve outdone yourselves. Also with this cooler, which is not related to hats but is just as fun and I talk about here.

A Good Week in TV

A few amazing things happened this week in TV land. 1) Ted Lasso got renewed for season two, launching this summer. 2) Downton Abbey is coming out with another movie, to be released this winter. 3) John Bell aka Young Ian from Outlander is thriving on TikTok. 4) I forgot about and then remembered that I still haven’t watched Men in Kilts. As soon as I finish Downton Abbey (which will happen this weekend, likely, as I am on season 6) I’m starting either Men in Kilts, Victoria, The Tudors or The Luminaries. Things are LOOKING UP!

The Accessory I Didn’t Know I Needed…

I got insta-spammed with this ad for a hat holder that links to your purse and am 100% going to be purchasing one. Kinda pricey, but honestly, this is a BRILLIANT concept that I’m happy to support and benefit from. So great for walking around the city, traveling and beach bags! Also hopefully by purchasing that means I get to start wearing purses again!

Wood Care

I’m a bit reckless with wooden cookware – spoons, cutting boards etc. I developed a nasty habit of putting everything in the dishwasher and then being annoyed that wood items gets dry and splintery. Ugh! In the past I may be tempted to simply replace them, but I’m on a journey to be less wasteful and more intentional. Alas, I would much prefer to take better care of what I already own. Enter: beeswax. This beeswax wood treatment has saved even my grubbiest wooden spoons! It’s mixed with food-safe mineral oil and together they penetrate wood to provide natural shine and give natural protection from the elements. A little goes a long way so its well worth the price!

Recent Reads

This article about our skin on stress really spoke to me. I’ve been super overwhelmed as of late, and it really shows on my skin. And, while I am incredibly diligent about my skincare routine, topicals can only do so much. I appreciated the science behind inflammation and flare ups and how the contributors reinforce what I very much am aware of but am not really practicing – to heal skin woes we must dig deeper (in attainable and realistic ways) and take action to manage signfiicant stressors.

I thoroughly enjoyed this piece on the evolution of the bra during pandemic times – it’s inspired me to toss my raggedy two (LOL but really) I have on rotation (like, sort of) and get a proper fitting! I freaking love third love but honestly after reading this article wouldn’t be opposed to trying Cuup.

A quick read on indoor air and the benefits of air purifiers – we have two, a Dyson Crytomic and a BlueAir – and I definitely feel better, safer and more proactive having them in our home. Especially in a city where air can be yucko – and during a pandemic! There are pros and cons to both, so maybe I’ll do a separate post on that!

Do you wear a mask outdoors? We typically do, unless we are in rural areas, but this article provides helpful guidance on when are where outdoor masks are appropriate, according to the latest updated research. Love the graphic it included, too!