Hi, friend! I’m Nora and I’m so happy that you’re here! I’m passionate about finding joy and balance in my usually crazy, sometimes messy, mostly lovely life. This is a space and a place where I share what’s on my mind and heart, from clean living and healthy recipes to everyday style and, of course, real life.
How did this all come about? Well, years of skin, digestive and hormone issues led me to Eastern and Western approaches to healing. My goal was simple: I wanted to feel better. I have always had an open mind in my pursuit of happiness and healing and my own journey helped me realize that navigating the health and wellness spaces can be pretty darn overwhelming. For me, there hasn’t been a cookie cutter answer to happiness or healing, but I’m taking bits and pieces from various people and practices and ultimately creating my own livable toolkit for becoming my best, most authentic and balanced self. Scary? A little. Empowering? Absolutely.
My experience ignited my passion for both sharing my own story and hopefully helping others by making safer living easily digestible, accessible and relatable. Friend, I am a work in progress and am learning and growing every single day. I hope that by following along here, you’ll find pieces and practices that resonate with you, encourage you and ultimately help you feel like your healthiest, happiest and purest self, too.
I have a Sociology and Women’s Studies degree from Colgate University and am a true Enneagram Type 2 – I’m a people person and love to help others through my work as an Executive Assistant in finance and as a Beautycounter consultant. I grew up just north of Chicago and am a midwesterner at heart, but call New York City my home! I live on the Upper East Side with my husband and college sweetheart, Christian, and our mini Australian Labradoodle, Bruce.
A few loves: almond butter, impromptu dance parties, learning, leopard print, trying new recipes, reading chick lit, monochromatic lewks, listening to personal growth podcasts and exploring the city (on foot of course!) with my little family.

DISH TO MAKE: Coconut Milk Garlic and Thyme Braised Chicken
DISH TO ORDER: Gluten Free Pasta with Lamb Neck Ragu from L’Artusi
FRIENDS EPISODE: The One Where No One’s Ready
BOARD GAME: Yahtzee Yahtzee Yahtzee!
COLOR: Green, clearly 😉
CITY: Paris, always
PLACE IN NYC: Central Park in the Spring or Fall
SPOTIFY TUNES: Nancy Meyer’s Kitchen or Frank Sinatra for cooking, All Out 70s for mornings and The Lumineers for lazy weekends at home